76th Ingalls Reunion meeting minutes

The 76th Ingalls Reunion was held on Saturday, October 2, 2004, at the United Methodist Church of Greenville and Norton Hill, with forty people in attendance.  The day was cloudy and dreary, with temperatures in the low to mid-sixties. However, a big sign on the door of the new church hall greeted everyone as they arrived, which brightened the day. The Walter Henry Ingalls family hosted, and the tables were prettily decorated with small pumpkin gourds, colorful leaves, and yellow placements.  The Historian, Krista Ingalls Haushalter, set up two display tables with albums of old photographs and a new album she put together to commemorate last year’s 75thReunion.  The framed letter from Governor Pataki on the occasion of the 75th Reunion also was on display, along with the rubbing from Jacob Ingalls’ gravestone.

There was a lot of chatting as people arrived.  Around noon, the President, Brian Odza, asked Walter Sutton (age two) to ring the cowbell from Jacob Ingalls’ Homestead, and those present arranged themselves for a group photo.  Following this, Walter Ingalls said grace, and a lovely buffet lunch was enjoyed by all.

After the meal, little Walter assisted the President with calling the meeting to order by ringing the cowbell a second time.  Brian extended thanks to Reverend Carney for the use of the church hall, to Janet Lockwood for helping out in the kitchen, and to the host family for their efforts.

Those who traveled the farthest to attend the Reunion were Sylvia and Leon Mabie, who came from Springfield, Virginia.  The youngest person present was Timothy James Finn, age six months, and the oldest was Marjorie Ingalls, ninety-three.  Four people attended an Ingalls Reunion for the first time:  Sylvia and Leon Mabie and Dan and Timothy Finn.

The Secretary, Paige Ingalls, read the minutes from last year’s Reunion, and they were approved as written.  She also read correspondence received during the past year, which included a lovely thank you letter from Jacob Ingalls (Shirley and Walter Ingalls’ grandson and Kevin Ingalls’ son).  Jacob, who is in the Navy and was on his way to the Middle East last November, responded to the good wishes sent to him by various family members at last year’s Reunion. There was not a dry eye in the hall! Paige also read a postcard received from Flora Ingalls Holderbaum and her son Edmund, who wrote from Lincolnshire, England, in July, where they were on vacation and looking into the family’s roots.  A letter from Carlton Simons resulted in an answer to the question of whether descendants of Jacob Ingalls may join The Society of the Cincinnati.  Since membership is open only to descendants of Continental Army and Navy officers, we do not qualify, because Jacob was a private when he fought in the Revolutionary War.

New business included thanking Gerry Rugg for obtaining a plaque to go with the letter from Governor Pataki.  Krista asked that everyone present sign an “autograph quilt” she plans to make into a tablecloth for display at future Reunions.  Officers were elected for next year:

President--                  Ramona Ellis Fawkes
Vice President--          Turner Fawkes
Secretary--                  Paige Ingalls
Treasurer--                  Kevin Ingalls
Historian--                   Krista Ingalls Haushalter

The Treasurer gave his report, which included the following:

In Savings Account--  $875.71
Today’s Collection--    $245.00
Dispersals--                 $138.01 (to print and mail the invitations)
Janet Lockwood--       $50.00
Church Hall Rental--   Kevin, who is a church trustee, will find out and pay this

Paige updated the group concerning sales of the 2003 Genealogy and History of the Jacob Ingalls Family.  One hundred eighty (180) books had been sold since they became available in April 2004. However, Paige had not yet made back all of the printing costs.  (Five hundred books were printed.)  Once she is paid back, the money from the remaining sales will go into the Reunion savings account.  Books are twelve dollars each.  The question of repaying those who contributed to the start-up costs of the genealogy project arose, and any who wished to be paid back were encouraged to speak to Kevin.

The Historian then gave her report of births, deaths, and marriages.  She also led the Roll Call of Families, and these were the results:

Henry Ingalls Branch                                      2
John Ingalls Branch                                        4
Lucinda Ingalls Hunt Branch                          8
Eleanor Ingalls Winegard Branch                  2
Joseph Truman Ingalls Branch                      9
Ransom Benjamin Ingalls Branch                  20
William Henry Harrison Ingalls Branch          3

As a final item of new business, Marjorie Dedie asked that flowers be taken to Harold Williams, who is ill and could not attend the Reunion for the first time in many years. [This was done, with get well wishes extended from all those present at the Reunion.]

The entertainment consisted of a “sing-a-long” with Donna Trunzo, who plays guitar.  She led the group in singing songs written specially for the 25th, 50th, and 75th Ingalls Reunions. She sang some solos, as well.  All present enjoyed her lovely voice.

Brian closed the meeting by thanking everyone for coming, encouraging them to return next year for the 77thIngalls Reunion, on October 8, 2005.  The host family will be the Clarence Ingalls Family.