77th Ingalls Reunion meeting minutes
The 77th Ingalls Reunion was held on Saturday, October 8, 2005, at the United Methodist Church of Greenville and Norton Hill. Despite temperatures in the mid-fifties and heavy rain all day, thirty-nine people were in attendance.
The Clarence Ingalls family hosted, and the tables were nicely decorated. The Historian, Krista Ingalls Haushalter, displayed albums of old family photographs and the album commemorating the 75thReunion, held in 2003. Once again, the framed letter from Governor Pataki on the occasion of the 75thReunion was on display, along with the rubbing from Jacob Ingalls’ gravestone. Copies of the 2003 Genealogy and History of the Jacob Ingalls Family were available at a cost of twelve dollars each.
Promptly at noon, the President, Ramona Ellis Fawkes, rang the cowbell from Jacob Ingalls’ Homestead, asking everyone to gather for a group photo. Following this, Walter Ingalls said grace, and a bountiful buffet lunch was served.
After the meal, Ramona called the meeting to order by ringing the cowbell a second time. She thanked Reverend Carney for the use of the church hall, Janet Lockwood for helping out in the kitchen (this was her twenty-seventh year assisting us!), and the host family.
Those who traveled the farthest to attend the Reunion were Heather, Alex, and Stephen Petryna, who came from Douglassville, Pennsylvania. The youngest person present was Matthew Finn, a little over four months old, and the oldest was Marjorie Ingalls, ninety-four years young. In addition to some of the younger children, those who attended an Ingalls Reunion for the first time included Jason Haushalter and Eve Rolls, the fiancée of Gary Elliott. Ramona then asked that we go around the room so that everyone could introduce him/herself.
The Secretary, Paige Ingalls, read the minutes from last year’s Reunion, which were approved as written. She also read correspondence received during the past year, which included a note from Jeanne Grandy. Lastly, she referred to thank you letters received from the museums and historical societies to which the family donated copies of the 2003 Genealogy and History of the Jacob Ingalls Family.
The Treasurer, Kevin Ingalls, gave his report, which included the following:
Today’s collection-- $209.00
To print and mail invitations $128.64
For Janet Lockwood-- $ 50.00
Church hall rental-- $ 75.00
New business included a discussion about restoring Jacob Ingalls’ gravestone, which is becoming difficult to read. A request was made for those interested to research what, if anything, might be done. It was noted that often it is recommended monuments be left in their original state. If this approach is taken, a small plaque with his information could be placed next to the stone instead. It was agreed to further discuss this at next year’s reunion. Krista also described the autograph quilt she is working on for the Reunion.
Officers were elected for next year:
President-- Turner Fawkes
Vice President-- Jack Ver Planck
Secretary-- Paige Ingalls
Treasurer-- Kevin Ingalls
Historian-- Krista Ingalls Haushalter
Krista gave the report of births, deaths, and marriages. She also led the Roll Call of Families, and these were the results:
Enoch Ingalls Branch 0
Henry Ingalls Branch 2
John Ingalls Branch 4
Lucinda Ingalls Hunt Branch 3
Eleanor Ingalls Winegard Branch 1
Diantha Ingalls Smith Branch 0
Joseph Truman Ingalls Branch 12
Ransom Benjamin Ingalls Branch 25
William Henry Harrison Ingalls Branch 0
Thaddeus Warsaw Ingalls Branch 0
Cyrus Ingalls (Westerlo) Branch 0
The entertainment consisted of Paige and her grandnephews, Alex (age 7) and Stephen (age 5) Petryna, providing a rendition of “The Story of Edmund’s Cowbell.” As Paige read the story, the boys took turns ringing the bell at the appropriate time. Following the entertainment, there was discussion about what happened to the silver tea set won in 1818. Marjorie Dedie said she believed it was melted down and made into spoons, which were given to different families. She thought she may have one of the spoons and that Gerry Rugg may have one in his possession, as well. She noted she will try to bring her spoon to next year’s Reunion.
At this point, Walter Ingalls stood up and made an amazing announcement. He had brought three original legal documents that are being given to the Ingalls Family by Jerry Overbaugh of Norton Hill, who had them in his possession. The indentures record when Augustine Prevost deeded 104 acres in the Prevost Patent to Joseph Ingalls on June 15, 1792, and when Joseph Ingalls deeded 52 acres to James Ingalls on June 29, 1794. (This was land located on today’s Maple Avenue, near the Westerlo Town Line.) The third document pertains to acreage owned by Giles Stone of Coeymans being purchased by the two Ingalls brothers. Mr. Stone had acquired this land earlier from the patroon Stephen Van Rensselaer. Needless to say, everyone was excited by this gift! It was recommended the documents be taken to the Bronck House, for safekeeping in the Vedder Memorial Library, and it was agreed that Paige should write a thank you note to Mr. Overbaugh for these wonderful additions to our family heritage.
Ramona closed the meeting by thanking all present for coming. She encouraged everyone to come back next year for the 78th Ingalls Reunion, to be held on October 7, 2006. The host family will be the Turner Fawkes and Jack Ver Planck Families.